Der Blick des Schicksals
Gedreht im Jahr 2014
Eine Liebesgeschichte, die die kolumbianische Revolution zwischen 45 und 50 wiederbelebt. Raúl und Marina, Persönlichkeiten aus der Zeit dieses romantischen Dramas, sind aufgrund des Familiensystems und der Option gezwungen, sich zu trennen, und schleppen eine Schande für ihr ganzes Leben…
Irina im wunderland
Gedreht im Jahr 2015
Irina, a young immigrant from eastern Europe is happily married to handsome and successful Stefan. When he loses his job, she decides to take destiny in her hands by getting a job as a taxi driver. When she proudly presents her husband with the good news he reacts badly to it…
Das Schweigen der Blumen
Gedreht im Jahr 2017
Julia is married with Daniel, but she ends up in constant conflicts with her husband until one night he finally loses his temper, maltreats her physically and throws her out of the house in the middle of the night. Out on the street, Julia suddenly has to face life without any financial support and the entire responsibility for her six year old son.